Who we are

As Fembloc, we provide advice and/or support to people or groups facing Digital Gender-based Violence (DGV). Through the helpline, we provide training and workshops, develop research on DGV and create didactic and awareness-raising materials.

FemBloc is made up of the following organizations:

Alia, cultural association of women for research and action

It was born in 2005 to promote knowledge and promote a feminist transformation of society from an intersectional perspective. Since then, it has developed a great diversity of creation, training, research and social revitalization initiatives related to the audiovisual, artistic, technological, social and cultural world from a feminist perspective.

Logo Donestech


It is a collective that works at the intersection of gender, technology and digital sovereignty. Since 2006, it has been researching and working toward the empowerment of women and LGBTIQ+ people in the digital world, and more specifically in free and feminist technologies. Since 2016, it has been focusing on digital security from a cyberfeminist perspective, developing research, training, and dissemination materials to raise awareness of DGV.

FemBloc works with the following alliances of feminist experts and collectives:

The Autodefensa.Online Network

It is a space integrated by activists and professionals who, both individually and collectively, work for the rights of women, lesbians, and trans people in the sphere of Information and communication technologies, particularly on gender-based violence facilitated or amplified by a relationship with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Calala Fondo de Mujeres

It is a foundation born in 2009 that promotes women's human rights through the delivery of financial resources, training and women and people from the LGTBIQ+ community’s in Spain and Central America.

Digital Defenders Partnership

The international community of feminist helplines exchanges knowledge and practices on feminist support to people facing DGV and deepens the specific needs of survivors of violence in the context of the use of the internet and relationship with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Fembloc was born from a previous alliance between different organizations and experts who agreed to develop a model for addressing digital gender-based violence in Catalonia. The project was made up of Alia and Donestech, Calala Fondo de Mujeres, the University of Barcelona (Cópolis Group), and experts Alex Haché and Laia Serra. It was financed through the European program REC2020 (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) in December 2020 - January 2023.